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Supplier Code of Conduct

Suppliers’ Code of Conduct

Phol Dhanya PCL and subsidiaries (“the Company”) commit to the principle of operating the business with transparency, fairness, in accordance with corporate governance, legal and regulatory compliance, as well as with accountability towards the society and environment. The Company advocates to sustainable development practices and is well aware of the importance of sustainable development throughout the supply chain. Hence, the Company strives to promote this principle towards suppliers, who play critical roles in the Company’s business operations and are part of the supply chain. It also serves to promote joint development efforts to foster sustainable growth, societal and environmental development in a wider circle.

The Company has compiled this Suppliers’ Code of Conduct as a guided practice for all suppliers who are willing to deal businesses with the Company, to ensure that suppliers’ business operations do not violate the Company’s Code of Conduct, while at the same time encouraging business operations to be in line with the principle of corporate governance, with societal and environmental responsibility. The guided principles for suppliers are as follows:

1.1. Operating the Business with Honesty

Operating the business on the bases of righteousness, honesty, transparency, ethics, complying with the criteria, rules, regulations and relevant laws. The essential information must be disclosed as required by law in an accurate and comprehensive manner.

1.2. Supporting Fair Competition

Never seek competitors’ confidential information through dishonest or inappropriate means. Operate the business with transparency and treat suppliers or stakeholders fairly and equally, under the framework of fair competition.

1.3. Anti-Corruption

Give cooperation to the Company in guarding against corruption of all sorts. Suppliers must not get involved in corrupt acts and must not proceed in ways that suggest requesting for or accepting behaviors that imply corruption. They must not get involved in bribery by offering or promising to give money, objects, or privileges of any kind, both directly or indirectly, to the directors, executives, or staff members in order to acquire commercial benefits or advantages. Besides, the Company expects suppliers to identify their anti-corruption protocols and give cooperation in complying with the Company’s anti-corruption policy and practices that are on the website Suppliers are asked not to give gifts or privileges under any occasions to the directors, executives and staff members.

1.4. Conflicts of Interest

Suppliers must not get involved in conflicts of interest for any activities executed with the Company, and must not have any relationship with the directors, executives, or staff members in order to acquire benefits inappropriately. They must not seek personal interests or induce any benefits for close acquaintances from one’s position, duties, or opportunities from dealing with the Company.

1.5. Respecting Intellectual Properties

Operate the business under the rules of law and regulations related to intellectual property rights, and exercise caution to prevent staff members or related individuals from violating other people’s intellectual properties.

1.6. Keeping Confidentiality and Personal Data Security

Keeping customers’ data strictly confidential, and never use customers' data for one’s own or others’ benefits. Personal data must be stored, processed, and utilized appropriately, in accordance with the personal data protection laws and the laws related to data security.

2.1. Compliance with Labor Law and Human Rights

Strictly complying with the labor laws and human rights in every country where business operations take place.

2.2. Using Child Labor

Operating the business without using child labor under the legal age regulated in each country. If any country does not identify the minimum age of labor, it is held that the minimum age of labor shall not be under 15 years of age. Labor working at nighttime or involving risks of danger must not be under 18 years of age, unless otherwise specified by the laws in that particular country.

2.3. Non-Discrimination

Treating employees equally with no discrimination, not facilitating or withdrawing employees’ rights unfairly due to differences in gender, religion, race, language, nationality, age, education, sexual orientation, marital status, social status, pregnancy or physical disability in the process of employment and performing duties.

2.4. Labor Protection

  • Labors are protected under the law, together with improvement and support to proper quality of lives and professional lives.
  • Female labor is not allowed to perform duties that may be dangerous to health and safety. In case of pregnancy, the labor must be protected with the welfares and benefits as regulated by law.
  • Never hire illegal labor. In case of foreign labor, it is important to proceed with legally required procedures in an accurate and comprehensive manner.
  • Never terminate employment without fair reasons. Termination of employment must comply with the labor laws or other relevant laws.
  • Arrange for the work hours, overtime work and days off as required by laws and on a voluntary basis.

2.5. No Forced Labor

Using labor with consideration of human dignity and never use slave labor or forced labor that involves threatening, confinement, harassment, human trafficking, violence of any means or involuntary labor.

2.6. Compensation and Benefits

Pay wages, overtime pay, or holiday work allowance entitled to receive by law to workers or employees righteously, fairly, appropriately with regards to the nature of work and duration of work. The wage must not be lower than the legally required rate, and must be paid on time, including other benefits entitled to the employees as required by law.

2.7. Freedom of Association and Negotiation

Respecting employees’ freedom in participating in associations or establishing labor unions or associations for legal negotiations and staff members’ rules and regulations.

3.1. Compliance with Occupational Health and Safety Laws

Strictly complying with the occupational health and safety laws in each country.

3.2. Performing Duties with Safety

  • Implement the management systems that align with safety protocols.
  • Prepare the work settings that are safe and hygienic to control and prevent illnesses and accidents from work.
  • Sufficiently and appropriately arrange for personal protective equipment that is ready to use for employees.

3.3. Implementation of Emergency Protocols and Preparations

Arrange for the protocols or execution plan to accommodate labor safety both under the normal circumstance and emergency in an effective manner, as well as provide training, communication and rehearsal in case of emergency in order to ensure knowledge and understanding to workers and employees on safety matters and always be ready for emergency incidents.

4.1. Compliance with Environmental Laws

Complying with the environmental laws and regulations, as well as commitments both at the national and local levels.

4.2. Operating the Business with Environmental Responsibility

Implementing preventive measures to alleviate environmental impact from production, storage, transportation and disposal procedures throughout the product and service life cycle. Conserving the natural resources and using them effectively, as well as consuming energy wisely and preventing the use of hazardous chemicals or legally restricted chemicals.

Suppliers should operate their businesses with consideration of impact on the communities and society caused by their operations, with respect to the local culture and traditions, and cooperation with community members. They should take part in developing the communities and society where opportunities allow.

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